Coming Soon!!!

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who knows how to tell a really good story?! Whether it Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetwas something as trivial as feeding their cat, or perhaps a time they had a near-death experience.. pay attention to how you respond. Notice the way your body leans in closer, so your ears don’t miss out on any of the words coming out of the person’s mouth. The way everything in the background starts to           v a n i s h .. the loud cashier, the clacker of heels, the aroma of the coffee, the outside noise. Pay attention to how your eyes widen, your mouth opens, or how your head starts to nod back and forth – this is your body demanding the storyteller to hurry up. Or the way you begin to stroke your chin, recalling a time when perhaps you experienced something similar to the story you are hearing.

This is the beauty of storytelling!! The way you can laugh or nod your head when someone’s story makes you quietly tell yourself, “Ahh, yes! I am not the only one.” I love stories. I love them because they have so much potential to make connections and build common ground. Stories tell the truth: nobody can argue and tell you your story isn’t true..unless of course you’re lying, which in that case makes you a liar..but that’s another story.

For a couple of months, I have been working and developing something special. As an old friend of mine used to tell me whenever I had a great idea, “This is your brain child.” Currently, I am in the process of producing and developing a podcast. Podcasts are wonderful because you can listen to them when you are on your daily commute to school or work. Or perhaps when you are cleaning and need some noise to keep you company. There is something truly special about the emotional connections we make when we hear voices talk, laugh, and disrupt. That is why I wanted to start my very own podcast. I want to be able to tell stories and not just my own, but I wanted to share the stories of many other people as well. The name of my podcast is called SUBJECTIVITY. It is a podcast dedicated to creative minds challenging the world, one story at a time. But more details on that are coming soon.

Before I get ahead of myself, I want to leave you with this: If you like stories and you like to think about the world you are living in, then please stay tuned! Within a couple of days, I will be releasing my first episode along with more details about the content of my podcast. In the meantime, I will probably be pulling my hairs out (they fall out anyway, so I guess maybe I won’t be doing that..) and staying up late with a good old cup o’ joe , so that in the future, you’ll know a bit more about what I’m talking about.

Stay Tuned!!!

Isel Cuapio


Be sure to follow on Instagram @subjectivitypodcast and like the page SUBJECTIVITY Podcast on Facebook!!

2 thoughts on “Coming Soon!!!

    • Bryan,

      Always looking for help!! If you have a story to tell and would like to share it on SUBJECTIVITY, please email me

      Also, spread the word, tell your friends! 😀


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