Episode 5 : “Breakthroughs in Chaos”






Earlier this year, Jesse hosted a Writing Contest at UCR


This week on SUBJECTIVITY, we have Jesse Altamirano join us for some good coffee and conversation. Jesse is a UCR graduate, C/O 2016. (Congrats, grad!) Join us as Jesse and I engage in sporadic conversation about the chaos of the universe, being true to the self, poetry, writing contests, and many other things.






Episode 4: My Colored Girls, This One’s for You


My Colored Girls, This One’s For You!  Aspiring actress and current undergrad student at Emerson College, Mona Moriya discusses the difficulties she’s overcome and the successes she has celebrated in her time immersed in academia and acting. We discuss some of the issues women of color face in the acting industry, microagressions, and the need to address issues women of color face in many institutions.

Special thanks to our New Roads School mentors and instructors who have encouraged students like Mona (and myself) to challenge institutions who need to be called out on their bulls***. Bryan Sanders, thank you for introducing us to Kerouac and challenging us to think in alternative ways! Sean Brookes, thank you for teaching us to think critically and to never be afraid to voice the injustices we see or face.

PS, sound quality was affected by outside noise, my apologies!


One of the performances Mona participated in this past year at Emerson College



Episode 4 Preview – My Colored Girls, This One’s for You



On this weeks episode: My Colored Girls, This One’s for You, join us as we invite my longtime friend Mona Moriya. Mona studies at Emerson College, where she is working towards obtaining her B.F.A. in acting. She strives to find and create a space where women of color can thrive and be in the spotlight. Here’s a monologue recited by Mona, from Ntozake Shange’s, For Colored Girls. Check it out!!

Full episode will be released on Thursday, June 2! Stay tuned!

*Monologue recited in this episode comes from Ntozake Shange’s For Colored GirlsNote: Some of the words in the monologue were altered in the production to fit the cast members. Image above was taken to promote the production of For Colored Girls, which was performed by Emerson College students in April. 

Episode 3 – A Man of the People

arturo g

**This photo was taken for the ASUCR elections back in April. #feelthechurro #Arturo4Prez

This week on SUBJECTIVITY, we have undergraduate student Arturo Gomez talk about his political involvement on campus and back in his home town. He gives us an inside look at the ASUCR elections and some of the challenges he overcame.

Arturo is a third year undergrad at UCR, whose political involvement and dedication made him the perfect candidate for becoming the next ASUCR president. Though he did not win, Arturo is a man of the people, who is truly invested and deeply concerned with helping the disenfranchised.

Join us as we discuss the UCR elections, Frogtown, gentrification in Los Angeles, and many other things.

Special thanks to Arturo Gomez for taking the time out of his busy schedule to sit and chat!



Episode 2 – “An Allegiance to Writing the Sentence”

UCR M.F.A. grad student Derrick Ortega, joins us to share a bit about himself  anIMG_4070d discuss his experience as a writer.

Derrick is currently working on a collection of poems that deal with returning to normalcy after experiencing trauma.

Join us as we discuss the creative writing process, the kinaesthetics of lock-picking, avoiding overly-sentimental writing, and many other topics!




Episode 1 – The Shirt


In this episode – The Shirt, I introduce SUBJECTIVITY and what you can expect from the podcast! I also talk a little bit about myself, and a specific experience I had with a shirt when I was a little girl. This shirt had quite an impact on me. Check it out and listen!!!!

Stay creative friends!!!

P.S. This shirt was made by yours truly! 🙂